Maktub Project


Mediterranean Flavours

City of origin



Maktub Project is a quartet that delves into the fusion of Mediterranean culture in all its breadth, rescuing melodies and traditional repertoire from different cultures. He draws from the Middle East, flamenco and jazz, creating his own sound world where the cultures linked to his Andalusian past and the Judeo-Sephardic tradition resonate, feel and celebrate in harmony.

Maktub Project published its first album in 2020, "Flamencos y Otra Aves Migratorias", which includes some of the palos that are part of its live repertoire, including zambra, tangos, bulería, granaina or sazsemai, typical of Ottoman music.


Ana Casado: voice and bendir
Georgi Dimitrov: Turkish kanun
Sergio Di Finizio: electric bass
Gabriel Gonzalez: percussion (flamenco cajón, darbuka, bendir, derbane) and strings (saz and baglama).

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